Product Details
This is a Digital PDF Pattern Download, not a physical pattern!
• 3 yards fabric (44"-45"); please note: yardage requirements may change if you choose to lengthen or shorten
• 11⁄2 yards of 1⁄2" twill tape or 1 yard of 3⁄4" elastic for waist band Notes:
• Seam allowance: 5/8" for all seams unless otherwise noted,
1" hem allowance
• 11⁄4" foldover for twill tape drawstring or elastic
• Finish all seams as desired
• 11⁄2 yards of 1⁄2" twill tape or 1 yard of 3⁄4" elastic for waist band Notes:
• Seam allowance: 5/8" for all seams unless otherwise noted,
1" hem allowance
• 11⁄4" foldover for twill tape drawstring or elastic
• Finish all seams as desired
Note: All possible care has been taken to assure the accuracy of this pattern. We are not responsible for printing errors or the manner in which individual work varies. Please read instructions carefully before starting the construction of this project.